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【Press Release】iPark Institute Signs Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Mutual Cooperation in the Bio-Healthcare Field with Osong Medical Innovation Foundation (KBIOHealth) in Korea

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January 19, 2024

iPark Institute Co., Ltd.

iPark Institute Signs Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Mutual Cooperation in the Bio-Healthcare Field with Osong Medical Innovation Foundation (KBIOHealth) in Korea

●  Collaboration between Japan-Korea innovation hubs in the field of biotechnology and healthcare will bring innovation from Asia to the world
●  iPark Institute Co., Ltd. is strengthening collaboration between Shonan Health Innovation Park (Shonan iPark) and innovation hubs in Asia, and is promoting collaboration with innovation hubs in South Korea in terms of technology, human resources, and information

iPark Institute Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture; CEO: Toshio Fujimoto; hereinafter referred to as “iPark Institute”) announced on January 19 that Osong Medical Innovation Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “KBIOHealth”), a public institution in South Korea (Headquarters: Cheongju City, North Chungcheong Province; Chairman & CEO: Sang-hoon Cha) and iPark Institute have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the aim of collaboration in the fields of bio-healthcare.

According to the MOU, iPark Institute and KBIOHealth (hereinafter referred to as the “two organizations”), both of whom are in a position to support life science companies in Japan and South Korea respectively, will cooperate in (1) exchanging experts through dispatches, (2) establishing an external liaison office, (3) participating in internal seminars, and (4) giving priority invitations to special seminars and speaker privileges.

Based on the mission of “build a life science ecosystem that is open to the world”, iPark Institute has signed memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with science parks in Japan and overseas. This is the eighth such partnership, and follows the partnership entered into with the Korean Ministry of SMEs and Startups in November 2023.

From left to right: Toshio Fujimoto, CEO of iPark Institute, and Sang-hoon Cha, Chairman and CEO of KBIOHealth

Regarding this business agreement, Sang-hoon Cha, the Chairman & CEO of KBIOHealth, said:
“KBIOHealth is a nationally-led CRDMO institution equipped with ‘The best service with world-class technology for the customers.’ Through this agreement, we anticipate that exchanging exceptional development technologies between the two countries will accelerate the introduction of superior biological drugs to the world.”

In addition, Toshio Fujimoto, CEO of iPark Institute, said:
“Since its inception, Shonan iPark has made it its mission to build a life science ecosystem that is open to the world. Japan and South Korea each have their own issues to overcome in order to develop and commercialize excellent technologies. If the two institutions can work together to reinforce each other’s challenges and build a regional ecosystem that transcends national boundaries, we believe that it will be a source of new innovation that will spread the eminent technologies of both countries to the world.”

About Osong Medical Innovation Foundation (KBIOHealth)
The Osong Medical Innovation Foundation (KBIOHealth) is a government-led organization under the Ministry of Health and Welfare, established to nurture the bio-health industry as a future national growth engine. In November 2013, the foundation completed the construction of four core facilities, including the New Drug Development Center, Medical Device Development Center, Non-clinical Evaluation Center, and BioPharmaceutical Manufacturing Center. Each center is equipped with highly advanced facilities and equipment to support the development of bio drugs and BT-based medical devices.

KBIOHealth serves as a “Research and Development Service Platform” aimed at fostering the growth of advanced medical industries through the activation and dissemination of research in the fields of bio drugs and BT-based medical devices. It fills the void where the private sector may fall short, providing services needed by the government. The foundation plays a pivotal role in accelerating the commercialization and industrialization of advanced pharmaceuticals and medical device products. Beyond supporting applied development research, KBIOHealth also offers consulting on research directions for business development. Recognizing that even projects with the potential for successful commercialization often face obstacles in the early stages or encounter challenges later on, the foundation, as a national infrastructure, corrects these directions and guides them through to the commercialization stage.
Homepage: https://www.kbiohealth.kr/en/
Social media: YouTube / Facebook / Instagram / Blog

About iPark Institute Co., Ltd.
iPark Institute Co., Ltd. was established in 2023 with Industrial & Infrastructure Fund Investment Corporation (IIF), Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (Takeda) and Mitsubishi Corporation as major shareholders. It took over the management of Shonan Health Innovation Park (Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture) in 2023, which Takeda had been responsible for since 2018.

In addition to the operation and management of the facilities, the company is engaged in projects to build and revitalize the life science ecosystem, including the promotion of innovation creation, technology exchange, and research collaboration. Find out more about our company here.

About Shonan Health Innovation Park (Shonan iPark)
Shonan Health Innovation Park (Shonan iPark) is Japan’s first pharmaceutical-initiated science park, established in April 2018 when Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (Takeda) opened its then in-house research center to outside organizations. It is now operated by iPark Institute Co., Ltd., and aims to become a place where industry, government, and academia from a wide range of industries and sizes can come together to accelerate health innovation. Shonan iPark is currently home to about 170 companies and more than 2,000 people (as of January 2024) from not only pharmaceutical companies but also next-generation medicine, cell agriculture, AI, government, and other fields, forming an ecosystem.
Homepage: https://www.shonan-ipark.com/en/?utm_source=media-pressrelease
Tenant Overview: https://www.shonan-ipark.com/en/membership/list/
Social media: YouTube / Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn

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iPark Institute Co., Ltd. Communication
Mail: iPi.Com@shonan-ipark.com